2018年11月22日,感恩节之日,合肥常青学校开展了以“ 感恩节话感恩”为主题的一系列活动。自古以来,中华民族就乐于助人、知恩图报,“受人滴水之恩,当以涌泉相报”一度传为名句。 为了培养孩子懂得珍惜别人的爱,懂得感恩,做一个富有爱心的人,一起来营造“爱”的氛围,开展“爱”的教育!
Since ancient times, Chinese people have been ready to help others and been considerate return. The is an old saying, ‘ Little help brings much return.’ In order to cultivate our students to cherish others’ love and understand how to be grateful, and on Thanksgiving day of this year, Hefei Gaoxin IVY Experimental Academy Bilingual School carried out a series of activities. We created atmosphere of ‘love’ and started the education of ‘love’!
The activities lasted for one week, and at the beginning of the series, our teachers enabled students to know some basic facts about the festival, which made our students to pay attention to people around them. Each class made some display forms such as ‘Thanksgiving wall’, ‘Thanksgiving chains’ and ‘Thanksgiving posters’ manually, and our students also made Thanksgiving cards by themselves to show their thankfulness. Besides, they made ‘Thanksgiving chain’ with the help of their parents to express their thankfulness towards their teachers. Our school also organized a Thanksgiving celebration with the theme of ‘ Expressing our gratitude and sharing delicious gourmet’. Principle Yang Xiaohua expressed her most sincere gratitude to all the school staff. Students presented a song Grateful Hear for school members, the warm melody, childish gesture language and gratitude expression impressed and touched everyone. Finally, teachers and students enjoyed Thanksgiving meal together in the atmosphere of love.
This series of activities enabled our students to cherish our friends and feel grateful to parents. They have been immersed their ‘heart of gratitude’ through the whole process and they have learned to understand and care for everyone around them. Let’s expect our children to grow up happily with a heart of gratitude!